Kazi Atif Hossain - Bangladesh

I'm Kazi Atif Hossain, a budding teenager who loves to collect matchboxes in his spare moments. I think the key to creating a bright future is having a nice interest. As a kid, I began collecting matchboxes from various sources. What's wrong with picking these up from anywhere? I would even pick them up from garbage cans or the streets since I find them charming. However, in 2019, at the age of twelve, I began my actual matchbox collecting professionally. I've been collecting matchboxes for five solid years, and I'm currently seventeen. The main reason I collect matchboxes is because of their aesthetically pleasing qualities. I glance at them and begin going over each one one at a time if I'm depressed. There are more than a thousand matchboxes in my collection, but I have only selected a handful that hold special meaning for me.

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