Hasan Khurshid Rumi - Bangladesh

Hello, I am Hasan Khurshid Rumi. I am a writer and translator. My primary interest in writing lies in science fiction. So far, over 100 translated books of mine have been published. Alongside my professional career, I collect stamps and books. Recently, I have started collecting matchboxes. The revolutionary life of Che Guevara deeply inspires me. I strive to collect anything related to Che Guevara. In this exhibition, I am presenting a matchbox series inspired by the revolutionary life of Che Guevara. I hope you will like it. Thank you, everyone.

Che Guevara

Che Guevara, an Argentine-born revolutionary, is an enduring symbol of resistance and rebellion. Initially a medical doctor, he was profoundly moved by the poverty and inequality he witnessed during his travels across Latin America. This led him to join Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution, where he became a key leader. Known for his intellect and guerrilla strategies, Che later sought to spread revolution in Africa and South America. Though he was executed in Bolivia in 1967, his legacy as a champion of the oppressed continues, immortalized through his writings, speeches, and the iconic Guerrillero Heroico photograph.


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